Super Mario Odyssey Easter Eggs and Secrets

As you sink hour after hour into Super Mario Odyssey, you might notice that the game has a few Easter eggs to discover. Whether it's an entire city dedicated to Donkey Kong, sneaking birds, or a four-legged friend, there are plenty to discover in Mario's latest adventure. 1. The whole of Metro Kingdom is an homage to Donkey Kong It won’t come as much of a surprise, but Super Mario Odyssey’s Metro Kingdom is basically one big homage to Donkey Kong - aka Mario’s own roots. And the clue is in the name, the location within Metro Kingdom that Mario visits in Odyssey is called New Donk City - Donk as in Donkey Kong - and obviously a pun on New York City with the resident called New Donkers rather than New Yorkers. But the references don’t simply stop with the name, in fact the entire city is riddled with references - and I’m not just talking about the massive recreation of Donkey Kong in the final story scenes of your time in Metro Kingdom. super mario bowser plush 2....